
The HASH Physics Library contains behaviors to help you create simulated physics environments. They are written in Rust, which means they are optimized to run in the HASH Engine.




This behavior is responsible for translating forces on an agent into changes in velocity, and changing the agent's position based on the velocity. It makes use of semi-implicit Euler integration to determine changes in position and velocity. The behavior references state.force to determine changes in velocity, and clears it after each step, so it should be placed towards the end of an agent's behavior chain.

Agents using this behavior must have a mass, position, and velocityfield. The agent or globals.json must have a dt field which determines the time step for the integration. If your physics simulation does not appear to be behaving properly, you likely need to reduce the value for dt. It is recommend to use values between 0.1 and 0.01.



This behavior adds to the agent's force field in the negative z direction, representing the force of gravity. If the agent or globals.json does not specify a gravity field, then it will assume a default value of 9.81 (the force of gravity on Earth in meters/second).



This behavior simulates a spring connected between the agent and one of its neighbors. It adds a force to the agent's force field proportional to it's distance from a certain neighbor, based on the base length of the spring, the spring constant, and the amount of damping. To run this behavior, the agent must have a springs field, which contains an array of objects defined like so:

  "...": "...",
  "behaviors": ["@hash/physics/", "@hash/physics/"],
  "springs": [
      "agent_id": string, // The agent_id of the connected agent
      "length": number, // The neutral length of the spring
      "k": number, // The spring constant
      "damping": number, // OPTIONAL The damping constant B

The spring force is calculated according to Hooke's Law: F = -kx - Bv.

If the agent referenced in a spring definition is outside of the search_radius, then it will be ignored since it cannot find the position of that agent.



This behavior controls collisions between agents who come too close to one another. It calculates a purely elastic collision between the agents. Agents running this behavior must have a mass, position, and velocity field specified. If an agent A collides with an agent B which is not running the collision behavior, A will assume that B is immovable (has an infinite mass).

Agents must have a search_radius of >= 1 specified to ensure they see other agents.